Donate to the C.E. Bernhauer Jr. Scholarship

Support the C.E. Bernhauer Jr. Scholarship Foundation

Established within the state as a nonprofit, charitable corporation separate from the Woodwork Institute, the C.E. Bernhauer Jr. Scholarship Foundation is run by a voluntary Board of Directors/Officers with no obligatory ties to the Institute. The Foundation has been granted both federal and state charitable tax-exempt status. Contributions are fully deductible as charitable gifts under both federal and California tax codes.

For recognizing major donors, the Foundation created the Journeyman Recognition Level of $250 or more, the Premium Level of $500 or more, and the Masters Level of $1,000 or more in donations during any one-year period. To date, there are more than 45 major donors of these multiples. The Foundation’s vision is to promote a better-educated workforce within the architectural millwork industry and its related fields by providing financial aid for individuals pursuing careers in those industries. The Foundation greatly appreciates those that have helped thus far.

Please Join the Foundation’s Efforts

This is your open invitation to join the Foundation in its efforts to provide an ongoing source of financial aid for individuals seeking further education and career enhancement in the architectural millwork or related industries. Pass this information along to someone you feel would benefit from our scholarship opportunities.


Make a commitment to help the Foundation build and achieve its corpus goal through a monetary donation.

To donate today, please call the Foundation at 916-372-9943. Thank you for your support!